Archive for February, 2008
CookingLight Talks PQ Restaurants
Washington, DC caught CookingLight’s attention ranking our Nation’s Capital third in a national list for “eating smart” (whatever that means!). Poste (a favorite of this writer), Cafe Atlantico’s Minibar and the Penn Quarter Fresh Farm market all got mentions. Cooking Light Best Cities: Washington, D.C. [CookingLight] Hat tip goes to PQ Living reader Lindsay for […]
Mysterious Lady Face On Storefront Poster At 10th & F St NW (Panera Bread)
At the corner of Douglas Development’s Atlantic Building (950 F St NW), a retail window recently began displaying a lady’s face. This corner space is the rumored site of the Panera Bread, but we couldn’t find a link between the window image and the restaurant. Do any readers have any suggestions? It is also strange […]
Power Outage Last Night Around Verizon Center
Looks like the power went out and was restored last night in and around the Verizon Center. This NBC4 story implies that there was some concern it would happenĀ again this morning. Thanks to an anonymous PQ Living reader for pointing this one out.
SmartBike Program Comes To Penn Quarter! (March 2008)
Pic courtesy of Bicing’s website. The Bike-sharing Blog updates us on DC’s SmartBike program. It basically looks like it’ll be the Zipcar/Flexcar of bicycles. From the Bike-sharing Blog: The goal for launching Washington, D.C.’s bike-sharing program, “DC SmartBike” is in March 2008. This will likely be the first 3rd generation (high-tech) bike-sharing program in North […]