Archive for February, 2009
Photo of the Week: Central Liquor
The Photo of the Week is of the neon sign of Central Liquor on F Street NW between 9th and 10th taken by Flickr user afagen who tagged it with pqliving. The bright red, yellow and orange hue combined with a partial window reflection caught our eye. Is this a landmark sign downtown? Tag your Flickr photos […]
The Bridge & Tunnel Crowd…In DC?
A subtle, invisible line winds its way down the banks of the Potomac. You first learn about it in high school. “We had to go all the way out to Tysons…I mean, why couldn’t we have just gone to Mazza on Wisconsin Ave.” After college it got reinforced. “I work in Rosslyn *but* it’s walking […]
10th & G St Church/Office Project On Hold Indefinitely
Thanks to Si for pointing us to this WaPo article. The construction site on the northeast corner of 10th & G St NW is going to remain as a big pit for a good while longer. Developer, PN Hoffman, was unable to sign a major tenant for the office building portion of the project and […]
Planter Box Pet Peeves
When walking through PQ, you can look down at any planter (tree) box and you’re certain to see one of two things: gum or cigarette butts. If you took a random sample of any four boxes you could add animal feces and beer/liquor bottles. We’ve talked about dogs using the boxes before, no problem there […]