Residents Meet With DC Council At Roundtable Regarding On-Street Musician Noise
The subject of musicians using amplifiers and generators to play in the streets of DC causing unbearable living conditions for downtown DC residents came before the DC Council in the form of a roundtable held on December 11 in the Wilson Building.
Twenty five speakers shared their personal stories with four assembled DC Councilmembers including Anita Bonds, Mary Cheh, Jack Evans and Phil Mendelson along with their staff to listen to the changing environment brought about by use of amplification by street musicians. News coverage saw both Channel 4 News (NBC affiliate) and the Washington City Paper offer their perspective of the event. The session ran for roughly three and a half hours.
This is clearly a good start and paves the way for further action to revisit the city’s noise regulations to better balance the needs of affected residents, businesses, and street performers.
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Woohoo. Sorry I was away and unable to attend. What are the next steps? What other feedback is sought? Thank you.