Archive for June, 2008
Hardware In The ‘Hood
We wanted to be sure that it was a “go” before putting up this brief but the tips sent to the PQ Living mailbag combined with the press release on the Mount Vernon Triangle Community Improvement District (MVT CID) website (that’s a mouthful!) confirms it. 5th Street Hardware will be opening soon at 1055 5th […]
Public Art Or Public Nuisance?
The old Waffle Shop site has been the site of much speculation, and a hangout for more than a few people. If you’ve paid attention though, you’ve noticed that the entrance to the old restaurant has been decorated numerous times over the last several months. Sure it may look like a random collection of garbage, […]
Hard Rock Has Us Seeing Red
The times they are a-changin’. Last week Hard Rock Cafe took down their green awnings (bottom) and replaced them with new red ones (top). We’re probably not in the target demographics for Hard Rock so we can’t say if all their restaurants used to be green, and now are red, or if DC was the […]
Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Gift Shop Relocates
As PQLiving suspected, the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial gift shop and visitor’s center is moving to a retail space at 400 7th Street NW (previously Motophoto). According to the Memorial’s website, the new location should open this Thursday. The Memorial is also in the process of designing and building the National Law Enforcement Museum. […]