Archive for December, 2011
Happy New Year!
Photo courtesy of prettyinprint on Flickr The writers at Penn Quarter Living would like to wish all of our neighbors a very happy 2012! As for where to go and what to do on New Year’s Eve? Just about every retail establishment in Penn Quarter has a special event planned that is open to the […]
Are You Ready For 2012?
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday! Now, it’s time to prepare for the next one. I’ve decided to brush up on the lyrics of the traditional New Year’s Eve song Auld Lang Syne and thought I would share some ideas for lucky foods that might help you have a prosperous 2012. Auld Lang […]
Supporting Your Local PQ Shops
After making the social rounds to holiday parties we found shops in the PQ to be ever helpful in finding just the right gift for just the right event. Here at PQ Living we are big supporters of shopping local by purchasing from neighborhood outlets as much as we can even if that bottle of […]
A Very Merry PQ Christmas
Merry Christmas Penn Quarter! Forget the malls and deck your hall with wines, wears, and whatnots from the streets of PQ. You can build your own gift basket just like the Columbos with goods from all over Penn Quarter. Our basket has some of our favorites from the neighborhood including: A little something sexy and […]