Avis/Budget Opens Car Rental Location In Heart Of Penn Quarter (616 E St NW – Parking Garage)
Photo above: Elevator entrance on 7th St NW
Avis/Budget opened a car rental location in the garage underneath 616 E St NW on Monday, January 16. This location offers the regular range of rentals from Avis/Budget selectable on their reservation system. This opening is welcome news as the Hertz location that used to be in the Gallery Place garage closed during the summer of 2022. The Penn Quarter Garage location is accessible via an elevator lobby facing 7th Street between Carmine’s Italian Restaurant (425 7th St NW) and the Clara Barton Missing Soldier’s Museum (437 7th St NW). The rental building in the garage can be found on the P1 or first level of the garage.
Photo above: Rental location
Avis/Budget haven’t programmed their website very well to recognize the 20004 zip code or the 616 E St NW street address of the outlet’s location. Use the location code ‘AVDC3‘ on the Avis website or ‘BGDC3‘ on the Budget website to find and make reservations at the Penn Quarter Garage (616 E St NW) location. The starting hours are 7:30 am to 6 pm weekdays, 9 am to 1 pm on Saturdays, and 9 am to 3 pm on Sundays.
Happy renting!
Photo below: Garage entrance on E St NW
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