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Comments may be rejected if they contain named condo/apartment building specific information or references especially if it is with denigrating intent. It is the general policy of Penn Quarter Living that named condo/apartment specific business is not within the domain of our site and such discussions should exclusively remain in the domain of the condo/apartment, its HOA, management and residents. Such matters, implicit or explicit, are best discussed in a named condo/apartment specific forum or context other than Penn Quarter Living.
Any comment is subject to rejection or modification at the discretion of Penn Quarter Living. Comments may be removed or redacted temporarily or permanently while their content is reviewed even if they have already been approved at some prior point in time and they have appeared on Penn Quarter Living. If approved, comments may take up to 48 hours or more to appear on our site.
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We strive to provide an enjoyable, educational, fun and orderly place for the discussion of issues relevant to living in, working in and enjoying downtown Washington DC especially the Penn Quarter.
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