Archive for September, 2012
Go Vegan?
It seems more and more people I know are going Vegan. This week, Cedar (822 E St. NW) sets out to enlighten the masses of the diversity and deliciousness of vegan eating with their Vegan Restaurant Week (through September 22). Check out the menu featuring seasonal produce like grilled watermelon, cantaloupe, heirloom tomatoes and mushrooms, […]
Free SculptDC Preview Classes This Friday
SculptDC, opening on September 24 at 950 F St NW, and DC’s first yoga and cycling studio, wrote in to invite PQ Living readers to an exclusive VIP preview of its luxury accommodations, expert instructors, and exhilarating classes. On Friday, September 21st, join Sculpt DC for an evening of fantastic fitness sponsored by Vita Coco […]
Penn Quarter Neighborhood Association Meeting This Wednesday
The Penn Quarter Neighborhood Association (PQNA) will be holding its monthly breakfast meeting at Zengo (781 7th St NW) this Wednesday, September 19. The guest speaker will be Michael Darby, Principal and Co-founder of Monument Realty. He will present Monument’s plans for the new office building on H Street NW between 6th and 7th St NW directly across the street from […]
Yet Another Pret A Manger Coming Soon To Downtown
Pret a Manger’s US expansion train rolls on with a location in the works at the corner of 14th and H Streets NW (street address is 1399 New York Ave NW). The white paint has been up since at least early July so we’re thinking this location could open soon. Will they become as common […]