Archive for April, 2006
The 9:30 Club In Gallery Place *Updated*
Confused? We’re actually talking about the topic of homelessness. Check out this December 2004 article from the Washington Times. One of our readers suggested providing information on how to help the homeless population that seem to be drawn to our neighborhood. In addition to the high concentration of homeless shelters in our neighborhood, GPLiving will […]
Cheap Internet And Cheaper Electricity In The District
Cheap Internet $32.70 per month (including tax & fees) for high speed internet and no strings attached? It’s called Naked DSL or dry-loop DSL and you can get it from Verizon. It’s a high speed internet connection that works over your telephone land line delivering speeds of 3 Mbps/768 Kbps. But, the important note is […]
Quick Program Note: RSS Feed Fixed
A quick note concerning the GPLiving RSS feed. The article titles weren’t showing up correctly in RSS news readers, but that has now been fixed. Thanks to Rich for reporting and testing the fix! For those who are curious about RSS news readers, check out, select “add a new feed,” and input this link: […]
Ben & Jerry’s Free Ice Cream Day Is Today!
If you haven’t already heard, Ben & Jerry’s is serving up a free scoop of your favorite flavor from 12pm to 8pm. According to the B&J website, 1001 E Street, NW is participating in the free cone day!