Archive for November, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
The writers at Penn Quarter Living would like to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving Dinner In PQ
Prefer to go out for your Thanksgiving dinner? There are a number of PQ area restaurants open for your dining pleasure. Although honestly, in composing this list (and having to visit so many restaurant websites), it’s tempting to never visit them again until they create pages that are not flash based and don’t assume we […]
PQ Building Permit Update
Probably part of the 600 Mass development 11/17/2008 Permit # R0900040 627 I ST NW Raze SQUARE 452 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP TO RAZE A 2 STORY BRICK AND BLOCK. FORMER RESTAURANT. 11/18/2008 Permit # AH0900066 519 H ST NW After Hours Permit CHINATOWN 519, LLC AFTER HOURS PERMIT FOR PERMIT PA-38785 MON THRU FRI 7PM-4AM 11-18-08 […]
For Inaugural, Metro Will Close PQ Station
Penn Quarter will be ground-zero for events surrounding the Inaurguration. And with the city expecting millions of visitors, security is a big concern. On Friday, Metro released it’s Inauguration Day plan to get all the visitors to their destination safely and efficiently. And the plan contains one provision that will impact Penn Quarter residents who […]