Archive for January, 2011
Savor 2011: Two Nights, Higher Cost
Savor, the craft beer event (that also features food) is returning to the Building Museum June 3rd & 4th. A second day has been added this year, the first time the event has been two days since the very first Savor four years ago. But tickets are $15 higher this year (good for one day […]
DC Link Roundup: Heard In The ‘Hood
Follow PQ Living via Facebook here and Twitter here. Our Flickr tag is pqliving. Here’s what we were reading last week about neighborhood news in DC. Have neighborhood thoughts? Leave them in the comments! Mount Vernon Triangle – The photo above is from the opening of an electric car charging station in the 425 Mass Ave apartment building. […]
Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Today is the Federal holiday commemorating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s birthday. In honor of Dr. King, we at PQ Living wanted to point out a few resources for readers we thought interesting to mark this holiday. Biography of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Winner of the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize [Nobel Prize website] Website […]
Name That Metro Station
You may have heard that WMATA is considering selling naming rights for individual metro stations. We thought it might be fun to see what PQL readers can come up with for our three neighborhood stations: Gallery Place, Metro Center and Archives. If the naming rights proposal becomes reality, we can expect the Gallery Place station […]