April 6 Penn Quarter Neighborhood Association Meeting Features Downtown BID Executive Director/President & New Calvary Co-pastors
By e-mail we were notified of the April Penn Quarter Neighborhood Association breakfast meeting. It will be on Thursday, April 6 at Calvary Baptist Church (733 8th St NW).
The discussion topic will be the Downtown DC BID’s plans for downtown’s future. This is also an opportunity to meet Calvary’s new Senior Co-Pastors.
There is no cost to attend but an RSVP is requested per below. Please indicate if you heard of this meeting from Penn Quarter Living.
Penn Quarter Neighborhood Association Breakfast Meeting
Thursday, April 6, 8:30 amLocation
Calvary Baptist Church
Woodward Hall
733 Eighth Street, NW
Metro: Gallery Pl-Chinatown, exit 7th and H or 9th and GAgenda
Continental Breakfast: 8:30 am – 8:50 am
Brief Announcements: 9 am
Speaker begins after AnnouncementsMeet
Calvary’s new Senior Co-Pastors
Rev. Sally Sarratt and Rev. Maria SwearingenSpeaker + Topic
Neil Albert, Executive Director
Downtown Business Improvement District (BID)
Neil Albert will be reporting to us on the Downtown BID’s plans for the future and vision of what Downtown can become as it continues to adapt and improve over time.RSVP via email by noon Tuesday, April 4 to: Jo-Ann@PennQuarter.org
Include the first and last names of all those attending and their affiliations.
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