DC Link Roundup: Heard In The ‘Hood
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Here’s what we were reading last week about neighborhood news in DC. Have neighborhood thoughts? Leave them in the comments!
Downtown – The Hay-Adams hotel including its restaurant and its bar (Off The Record – one of our DC favs) is closed until October 7 for elevator improvements and roof enhancements. [WaBizJo]
H Street NE – The Argonaut, a favorite H Street NE restaurant and bar, continues its recovery after a recent kitchen fire. [Frozen Tropics]
National Mall – The July 4 concert lineup for the Capitol’s west lawn is announced. [WJLA – Channel 7]
Downtown – Uh oh…the planned Armenian Genocide Museum at 14th and G Streets NW hasn’t even opened and it owes DC back taxes. [WaBizJo]
Mount Vernon Square – The Other 35 Percent, a site devoted to local issues and politics, gets a nice redesign. Props to the proprietor for running a great site devoted to DC! [The Other 35 Percent]
Shaw – If all goes well, the first inklings of redevelopment at the O Street Market will happen this fall. [14th and You]
Anacostia – Mayor Fenty is throwing a go-go bash and you have to register to vote to get in. [WaPo: DC Wire]
Logan Circle – The Wone conspiracy trial continues. [Borderstan]
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Get ready! Looks like the future NBA star JOHN WALL is moving to Penn Quarter! He want to live in walking distance to the Verizon Center so he can have access to the gym 24 hours a day! I love it!!