Mayor Bowser To Speak At November Penn Quarter Neighborhood Association Meeting (Tue, 11/14)
Mayor Bowser is the very special guest for the November Penn Quarter Neighborhood Association breakfast meeting which will take place on Tuesday, November 14 at the Shakespeare Theatre’s Harman Hall (610 F St NW). There is no specific topic for the meeting but the Mayor will make remarks and then there will be Q & A with the audience following the remarks.
There is no cost to attend but an RSVP is requested per below. Please indicate if you heard of this meeting from Penn Quarter Living.
Penn Quarter Neighborhood Association Breakfast Meeting
Tuesday, November 14, 8:30 amLocation
Shakespeare Theatre Company’s Harman Hall
610 F Street, NW
Metro: Gallery Pl-Chinatown, exit 7th & FAgenda
Continental Breakfast: 8:30 am – 8:55 am
Brief Announcements: 9 am
Speaker begins after AnnouncementsSpeaker + Topic
Muriel Bowser, Mayor of the District of Columbia
We hope to see many of you at the meeting. Come prepared with your questions as the Mayor will respond to your questions at the end of her talk.RSVP Details
RSVP via email by Noon Friday, November 10 to:
Jo-Ann@PennQuarter.orgInclude the first and last names of all those attending and their affiliations. If you are a neighborhood resident indicate ‘Self’ or your building as your affiliation.
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