NPR HQ (635 Mass Ave NW)…Sold! *updated*
Ed. Note: This story was amended since first published.
It is no secret that NPR plans to move to NoMa. What wasn’t clear was what would happen to the current NPR headquarters building at 635 Massachusetts Ave NW. The Washington Business Journal reports that Boston Properties agreed to purchase the building for $119M and build a new 450K 400K/450K square foot office building in its place for NPR, presumably at its new location in NoMa. What’s that sound we hear? Another piece of the Mount Vernon Triangle snapping into place.
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That’s 6 or 7 years from now. I support it, but it’s not “right around the corner” and who knows if it makes sense 6 or 7 years from now.
Wow, wow, WOW! Considering how many empty lots and one-story buildings there are around 6 & Mass, I never would have guessed that it would make financial sense to tear down a max-height tower to build something slightly better. If this is real and not a public-relations bluster, then I don’t think DC’s construction workers have anything to worry about from the global credit crisis.
I am still confused after reading the article. Is Boston Properties building a new NPR headquarters in NoMa? The article doesn’t really state that the current NPR building will be torn down, it just says that the current building will be purchased and a new building will be built somewhere.
It says that boston properties is building the new NPR headquarters in noma AND buying & redeveloping the current NPR site at 635 mass into the new 450k sq ft office building. (doesnt say anything about NPR getting torn down but id guess that is likely.) NPR wanted a developer to do both – buy their place & build their new one.
gpliving and Si – indeed you both are right. at the top of the WaBizJo article it says 450K square feet and then in the middle it mentions 400K square feet. maybe NPR won’t take up all of the new building.
regardless, our story has been changed to reflect your better interpretation. good catch and sorry for the confusion!
You don’t have to look far to find another Boston properties project as they are associated with 901 New York Avenue NW which is directly across Mt Vernon Square from the NPR site. These two parcels of land are very similar in shape and size so it gives a fare idea to what Boston Properties may have in store for this parcel of the Mount Vernon Triangle.
Wikimapia says the principal tenant of 901 NY Ave is the law firm Goodwin Procter LLP and of course the restaurant Acadiana is on the ground level.
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Good news. And they’re hoping to deliver in 2014 or 2015. Right around the corner!!