On Demand Dry Cleaning And Laundry Service Cleanly Now Servicing Penn Quarter
On demand dry cleaning and laundry service, Cleanly, launched in Washington DC and Penn Quarter in October of last year. We were offered a gratis (free) chance to try the service to see how it compares to the two traditional retail store front dry cleaners that we generally patronize in Penn Quarter. (Photos are courtesy of Cleanly.)
Cleanly offers four basic services: wash and fold (general laundry), hang dry, laundered shirt cleaning, and traditional dry cleaning. For heavy users, they also offer a monthly subscription service called Reserve that reduces or eliminates charges for a number of the services a patron would pay for on an a la carte basis. Standard service times are 24 hours for wash and fold (no hang dry) and 48 hours for the other services. Readers can see the fee schedule and service process here [PDF].
Service is scheduled via the Cleanly website which is mobile device friendly so you don’t have to install a separate app to work with the service. A prospective user sets up their account with contact and pickup/drop off location information, selects the desired services, schedules pickup/drop off times, and then enters payment information. One nice feature is that user preferences can be stored so that those choices don’t need to repeatedly be selected for every order. The settings are similar to what one would set on their washing machine or dryer at home such as cold or warm wash and low or high heat for both colored and white clothes. Cleanly valets text you as they approach the pick up and drop off times.
We found that the service worked exactly as advertised and the valets honored the pick up and drop off times as scheduled. Cleanly provides high quality nylon bags for toting the clothes around and once returned wash and fold garments are organized into logical groups assembled in plastic wrap. Dry cleaning returned on hangers in a hanging clothes bag. The cleaning quality was good.
Cleanly let us know that they are based in New York City and employs a total of 235 people (15 full time, 45 part time, and 175 contractor valets). Cleanly’s Operations Team examines each potential partner, visits their facilities, and works to craft a partnership agreement that binds them to Cleanly’s rigorous quality standards. The cleaners are large, wholesale vendors that service a wide range of customers as a wholesale partner. In many cases, Cleanly makes up a bulk of these vendor’s capacity.
From our standpoint, the biggest benefit with Cleanly is that the timing of services can be tuned to suit one’s own schedule which will benefit those who travel or work extensively. While the pricing is about the same as local dry cleaners, heavy users might see some cost benefit tilt their way with the Reserve service. To summarize, Cleanly worked nicely and we always enjoy having another service choice in the neighborhood.
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