Penn Quarter Neighborhood Ass’n Breakfast – Thursday, June 5
By e-mail we were notified of the next Penn Quarter Neighborhood Association breakfast meeting. An RSVP by noon Tuesday, June 3, is requested. Please indicate if you heard of this meeting from Penn Quarter Living:
Penn Quarter Neighborhood Association Breakfast Meeting
Thursday, June 5, 8:30 amLocation
U.S. Navy Memorial Heritage Center
Enter at the southwest corner of 801 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Adjacent to the Navy Memorial
Metro: Archives-Navy Mem’l-PennQuarterAgenda
Continental Breakfast 8:30 – 8:55am
Brief Announcements 9:00am
Speaker 9:15amSpeaker
Arin Liberman, Producer of the AFI Docs FestivalArin will tell us about the AFI Docs Festival, which for the second year will include a series of screenings in Penn Quarter. As part of her presentation, she will preview some of the documentaries that will be shown at three Penn Quarter member venues: the Navy Memorial Heritage Center, Goethe-Institut, and the National Portrait Gallery.
Please respond if you plan on attending this meeting as it will help our host prepare
RSVP via email to my new email address (jo-ann[at] by noon Tuesday, June 3Include the first and last names and affiliations of all people attending
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RT @pqliving: Penn Quarter Neighborhood Ass’n Breakfast – Thursday, June 5 – @AFIDocs on the agenda.