Penn Quarter Neighborhood Association Breakfast – Thur, Aug 6 (Topic: BID’s Vision For Downtown)
By e-mail we were notified of the next Penn Quarter Neighborhood Association breakfast meeting. There is no cost to attend. Please indicate if you heard of this meeting from Penn Quarter Living:
Penn Quarter Neighborhood Association Breakfast Meeting
Thursday, August 6, 8:30 amLocation
Occidental Grill & Seafood
1475 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Metro: Metro Center, exit 13th and G or 12th & FAgenda
Continental Breakfast: 8:30 – 8:55am
Brief Announcements: 9:00am
Speaker begins after AnnouncementsSpeakers + Topic
Rich Bradley, Executive Director
DowntownDC Business Improvement DistrictRich will give a quick overview of how much of Downtown has changed since the BID’s creation in 1997 before presenting his vision for its future.
Please respond if you plan on attending this meeting as it will help our host prepare.
RSVP via email to my new email address by noon Tuesday, August 4 to Jo-Ann[at]
Include the first and last names of all those attending and their affiliations.
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