Penn Quarter Neighborhood Association Meeting On Aug 1
The Penn Quarter Neighborhood Association (PQNA) will be holding its monthly breakfast meeting at the newly opened Del Frisco’s Grille (1201 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW) this Wednesday, August 1. The guest speaker will be Paul Millstein, Vice-President and Head of Construction for the Douglas Development Corporation. He will present Douglas Development’s new projects at 650 New York Avenue NW and the northeast corner of 7th and H Streets NW (801 7th St NW – where the old 24 hour CVS used to be).
Continental breakfast from 8:30 to 8:55 am
Announcements at 9:00 am
Speaker begins at 9:15 am
RSVP via email by 5:00 pm today to: joann [at]
Include the first and last names and affiliations of all people attending.
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the PQNA events are always well attended. many attendees are from the business community so they attend, network, and discuss business matters. residents show up too so for them it’s not much different than having a doctor’s appointment in the morning and arriving late at work.
Over 90 people attended the breakfast meeting, many of who were residents. Staff from museums, theaters, shops, restaurants, office tenants, and local and federal government also attended.
I have gone to evening meetings both in many years past and more recently; unless there is a critical issue, they are not well attended.
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Wait, is that day / times correct? The neighborhood association meeting is in the morning… on a Wednesday? Do they want to make sure no one attends – ya know, like people that work?