Penn Quarter Neighborhood Association Meeting On Oct 30 (Speaker: Tregoning)
By e-mail we were notified of the next Penn Quarter Neighborhood Association breakfast meeting. RSVP by Noon tomorrow (Monday October 28) is requested:
Penn Quarter Neighborhood Association Breakfast Meeting
Wednesday, October 30, 8:30amLocation
Cuba Libre Restaurant
801 9th Street, NW
Metro: Gallery Pl-Chinatown, exit 9th and G streetsAgenda
Continental Breakfast 8:30 – 8:55am
Announcements 9:00am
Speaker 9:15amSpeaker
Harriet Tregoning
Director, DC Office of PlanningThe Zoning Commission will be holding hearings in November on the Office of Planning’s proposed re-write of the DC Zoning Regulations. Hear Harriet Tregoning describe the residential, arts, retail, historic preservation, and parking changes for downtown and their impact on Penn Quarter as redevelopment occurs.
If you have not yet responded, please do so if you plan on attending RSVP via email by noon Monday, October 28 to:
joann[at]PennQuarter.orgInclude the first and last names and affiliations of all people attending
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RT @pqliving: Penn Quarter Neighborhood Assn meeting on Wed, 10/30. Speaker: Tregoning, DC’s Office of Planning.