PQ In The News
A look at news from around the globe featuring parts of the Penn Quarter.
First, the San Francisco Chronicle has an article about the Old Post Office revitalization efforts, spurred on by a bill sponsored by our Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (the bill passed the House and has been sent to the Senate). The revitalization could even include residences, what a cool address that would be! But we wonder, would you have to go through security each time you entered your abode?
Next up we have the Leader-Post (Canada) article on Washington tourism, with the fantastic title of “Washington. A proud and generous city.” This short piece discusses many of the great sites we get to enjoy in our downtown neighborhood (as well as a few other spots in the city).
Finally we point you towards this Detroit Free Press article on bike sharing in DC, which has been the subject of more than a few comments on PQLiving as well. We’re curious to see if this service will catch on the way Flexcar & Zipcar eventually did.
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The Ottawa Citizen article unfortunately reinforced the conventional wisdom of DC, that it’s all the Mall museums and memorials, Georgetown, and then a bunch of dirt-poor neighborhoods outside. Too bad they didn’t encourage visitors to check out the great restaurants and beautiful architecture of Adams Morgan, U Street, or Capitol Hill, none of which are dirt-poor.