We Don’t Need No Stinking Apple Store
Well, ok, we’d love one for the neighborhood actually. But in the meantime you can still wait in long lines downtown for your iPhone at the AT&T Wireless store at 12th and F. At least you could last night. These shots were taken at around 6:45 pm Friday night.
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Several years ago, when ATT was transitioning to digital GSM technology, their service was so bad that they lost lots of customers. Shortly thereafter, ATT sold off the wireless part of their business. More recently, ATT bought Cingular and is now in the process of rebranding Cingular as ATT.
So, basically you’re buying & using Cingular when you buy from ATT.
AT&T still suck in their customer service. The guy at this store gave me incorrect information this morning and claimed that I cannot upgrade my existing phone with them to the Iphone. I pointed out that that was not what either AT&T or Apple say on their websites, but he didn’t seem to care. They have lost a sale to the Apple internet site.
To add to gpliving’s history… AT&T is not even AT&T even more–SBC bought AT&T and then changed its own name. A baby bell swallowed mama bell, and now they’re trying to establish a wireless presence.
The staff at the ATT store on F street is not my favorite.
They refused to upgrade my service as well, while I am completely eligible for upgrade.
I have been a customer for as long as ATT has had wireless service and have alwyas found them to be great, as long as you stay out of their retail stores. You can get great service over the phone or via their website.
We just use the retail stores to look at the phones that are of interest, and order from the website. This has worked great for years.
I went to the AT&T store on the 1600 block of Connecticut to get mine and though they said they had enough phones for everyone in line at 6pm, they only sold approximately 40 or 50 phones before they ran out. Which pissed everyone off, me included, because how hard is it to count, know you only have 40 phones in stock and know that you have 80 people in line to tell them they aren’t getting one. I got in the car, drove to Bethesda Apple store and walked in, bought phone (of which they had plenty) and was out in less than five minutes. No line whatsoever. I should have known better than to go to the AT&T store.
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fyi pentagon city has plenty in stock. 12th st. does not.