Archive for January, 2007
YWCA Building Up For Sale In Gallery Place (624 9th St NW)
Andy in PQ sends us another hot item for today: The YWCA building at 624 9th St NW is up for sale! This building is in one of the hottest locations downtown and is located directly across from one of the Gallery Place metro entrances. The Washington Business Journal has a few words on the […]
Confirmed: Madame Tussauds And Zara To Open In Penn Quarter!
After all of the excitement from Downtown Tim’s recent rumor posting, we can now confirm that Madame Tussauds And Zara are coming to Penn Quarter! Both of the tenants will be housed in the former Woodward & Lothrop building on F Street Northwest. (between 10th and 11th St) Other tenants in the building include H&M […]
Pics Of The Week
Fran took some interesting pics of the neighborhood that we want to share. Be on the lookout for more pics or even some posts by Fran in the future!
Verizon Center Upgrade?
We want to point out the recent WaPo story about Abe Pollin’s request to the DC government to fund Verizon Center upgrades. Notable is the disparity in the ticket tax between Nationals tickets and Verizon Center tickets, 10 percent versus 5.75 percent, and perhaps Pollin saw an opportunity to equalize the tax collected between his […]