DC Link Roundup: Heard In The ‘Hood
Mount Vernon Triangle – The Taylor Gourmet Deli plans to expand from its H Street NE location to another outlet in CityVista at 5th and K Streets, NW. [The (Mount Vernon) Triangle] & [Prince of Petworth]
All over DC – All those junky used car lots may be closed down by the Fenty administration. [And Now, Anacostia] & [We Love DC]
Downtown – The Downtown Neighborhood Association (DNA) posts its June meeting notes. [DC DNA]
Shaw – Forward progress on the Carter G. Woodson home on 9th Street, NW. The sooner it becomes a National Historic Site, the sooner curious tourists and more foot traffic (the good kind) will come. [Renew Shaw]
Red Line – Between Takoma and Fort Totten – Metro tragedy covered and primer on train safety systems. A sad day. [Greater Greater Washington (primary coverage)] & [Greater Greater Washington (train safety)]
All over DC – Local bloggers react as pop culture takes a hit…EM (Ed McMahon), FF (Farah Fawcett) and MJ (Michael Jackson) all pass on. More sad events. [Q Street News] & [U Street Girl] & [K Street Kate] & [Ask Miss A] & [The District] & [Capitol Hill Style]
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Good news re: the deli! Safeway should have to compete a little for our (sandwich) business.