Singer McKnight Helps Macy’s Light Up Holiday Windows *updated*
UPDATED – Nov 29: We added a few YouTube links with more of McKnight’s performance.
Black Friday, the day retail stores are supposed to push into profitability for the year due to the surge of shopping for the holidays, arrived today. This year retailers may be more aggressive than last in soliciting business. This writer received an array of e-mail coupons from cheap flights on Frontier Airlines to 20% off a purchase at Filene’s Basement to a free energy bar/drink at GNC to 25% off all wine purchases at a favorite DC wine shop (not in the PQ unfortunately). Filene’s sent me thirteen (13!) promotional/coupon e-mails this month. I wonder if they know I live near two of their stores. Oh that’s right…I told them that when I signed up! Even gas is on sale with its recent drop to under $2 a gallon.
But this post isn’t about what’s different this year, it’s about what stays the same and that is the unveiling of the downtown Macy’s (1201 G St NW) holiday windows earlier this week. PQ Living couldn’t be on hand so we missed R & B superstar Brian McKnight’s singing but we did snap a few photos of the windows and found a link to the Fox 5 story including an extended clip of McKnight crooning away. What a great voice! (Check after the break for additional photos)
Singer McKnight Helps Debut Macy’s Holiday Window Displays [Fox 5 DC – WTTG]
Brian McKnight – Extended Performance [Fox 5 DC – WTTG]
Brian McKnight – The Most Wonderful Time of Year (Live) [YouTube user TerrenceJamal]
Brian McKnight Interview/ Performs National Anthem With His Sons [YouTube user TerrenceJamal]
What really makes snowflakes? Zoom in to find out.
Brian McKnight promotes his new Christmas album.
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