Raze Alert! 627 – 631 H St NW (China Doll, Lei Garden buildings)
On 1/24/07, the HPRB approved raze permits for 627 H St NW (former China Doll building) and 629-631 H St NW (former Lei Garden building). Many will be surprised to know that neither of these two properties are on the Index of Historic Sites (pdf). Thus, the DC Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB) approved the permits and the facades do not need to be preserved. As part of the HPRB process, the ANC (local gov’t) was notified by the HPRB, but we all know how useless our local ANC Chairperson (Doris Brooks) is when it comes to actually informing residents of important happenings.
The DC real property database was updated recently, so now we know for sure that Yeni Wong is the owner of the two buildings (the sales were kept private).
Pic courtesy of Il Primo Uomo
627 H ST NW
Mailing Address: 707 H ST NW; WASHINGTON DC20001-3792
Sale Price: $4,000,000
Sale Date: 09/14/2006
629-631 H ST NW
Mailing Address: 707 H ST NW; WASHINGTON DC20001-3792
Sale Price: $6,000,000
Sale Date: 09/14/2006
801-809 7TH ST
Mailing Address: 707 H ST NW STE 200; WASHINGTON DC20001-3795
Sale Price: Not Available
Sale Date: Not Available
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No problem otavio! We’ve been patiently waiting for something to happen on that corner of 7th & H St NW for some time now..
si: I don’t know when the HPRB notified the ANC. But, one of the notes in the HPRB permit report is this: DCRA also contacts ANCs allowing for a comment period when raze permits are requested.
I really like the China Doll sign. http://www.flickr.com/photos/muckraker/142279291/
I hope someone tries to save it, like they did with the Comet liquor sign (now residing at Comet Pizza). Someone call Carole Greenwood!
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Wow! This is big news. Thanks for the update GPL! Redevelopment on H Street has begun in earnest. Chinablock’s days are numbered, and I am neither for or against it as it is just market forces at work. Yeni Wong’s project at the corner of 7th & H St must be taking an entirely different shape now. I can’t wait to find out what it will look like!