Archive for December, 2006
dl004d’s Fun "Call Of Mall" Commentary
Reading the comments on Rebuilding Place in the Urban Space’s 6th & F St NW post, I am reminded of dl004d’s fun commentary, Call Of Mall: Suburban malls combine the best of the big-city experience (intersecting streets and storefronts at every turn) with the suburbs (air conditioning and tons of parking). That’s why I enjoy […]
District To Get A Little Quieter Next Month!
Gallery Place/Penn Quarter residents have had a few rough encounters with amplified speech. But, the incidents arguably have not been as bad as residents in the blocks surrounding 8th & H St NorthEast! For those who haven’t heard of it before, every weekend there is a group of “preachers” that stand on the corner of […]
Gallery Place/ Penn Quarter Building Permit Update
12/01/06701 8TH ST NWTENANT LAYOUTCONSTRUCTION OF NEW RESTAURANT ”PROOF” AS PER ATTACHED THIRD PARTY REVIEWED AND APPROVED PLANS, 125BRUT LLC 12/01/06700 F ST NW tentsDowntown Holiday Market Tents (1)10×70 , (1) 10×90 (1) 10×10, (10) 16×16 stage (1) 10×12 December 10-22, 2006Public Space 12/04/06750 9TH ST NW ADDITION/ALTERATIONRENOVATION TO LOBBY ON 1ST 2ND & PENTHOUSE […]
Tower Records, R.I.P.
While perusing the last remnants of Tower Records’ inventory during my lunch break yesterday, I couldn’t help but think about the impending fall of retail music as we know it. When I was in high school, Tower Records at 2000 Penn Ave. (entrance on 21st Street) opened its doors and one of my four best […]