Fuel Pizza Close To Opening (600 F St NW)
When we came downtown almost seven years ago, we complained that there wasn’t a decent place to get a slice of pizza. (You could get some good chicken at the 11th Street Popeyes walk up window though.) The roller skating rink pizza didn’t cut it and those guys closed anyway. Pizza Bistro Med filled the void and then Z Pizza came along so we could now get our slice of pizza, but choice is always nice. The beauty of capitalism is the competition it brings and another Italian pie slice purveyor looks ready to open very soon. That enterprise is Fuel Pizza at 600 F St NW (corner of 6th and F). More after the break…
The signs are up, the tables are in, and the serving area looks well along. We’ve seen countless retail food establishments open in this area and the Craigslist job ad along with the help wanted posting on the door (photo below) represent the final countdown to opening.
We’ll let you know when they open their doors and we’ll stop by to see how the service goes. If the pizza is the same as it as at the K Street location, then we know where we’re heading if the single slice munchies politely utter into our ears, “Extreme Fuel, Extreme Fuel…“
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