Host a Visiting Filmmaker, Get Free Tix + A Party! (DC Shorts Film Festival 2007)
The annual DC Shorts Film Festival is in the early stages of planning for its week-long September festival.
Since the festival activities are based at the Landmark E Street Cinema, Penn Quarter residents are in high demand to host a filmmaker. The notice also mentions, “For your hospitality, you will receive Tickets to screenings and Entry to a party of your choice.”
Email Penn Quarter neighbor, jon [at] dcshorts [dot] com, for more details!
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That’s right! 2 tickets to any screening, and entry into one of the two parties. Plus, I am sure your visiting filmmakers will want to drag you to other festivities. Its a great way to get involved, meet other PQ neighbors, meet filmmakers from as far away as New Zealand, and see some incredible films (we are showing 89 films and 7 live scripts)