Election Day In PQ
Today is election day! Post any comments or experiences right here..
Get free stuff while presenting your “I Voted” sticker:
- Gifford’s Ice Cream & Candy: free cup of hot chocolate
- California Tortilla: free taco coupon
- Ben & Jerry’s: between 5- 8 pm, free scoop
- Starbucks: free tall coffee
- Teaism: free iced tea (Thanks MVTResident!)
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Miles Groves and our other DNA volunteers did an awesome job at the Chinese Community Church. Great to see so many neighbors while I was in line. Everything went smoothly.
I voted early this morning at our new precinct’s polling station, at the Chinese Community Church. There was a long line stretching from 5th and I NW to 6th, and down 6th to H Street. People in line were patient and happy; the poll workers did a good job, things were very well organized and efficiently run. It was wonderful to see all of the people who vote in our neighborhood: urban, affluent condo dwellers, older Chinese people, homeless people, people with disabilities, all races and ages. We have a truly diverse and vibrant neighborhood, and it was heartening to see so many neighbors waiting for a long time to vote in this historic election.
I voted at Precinct 143, Chinese Community Church at 5th and Eye, and everything ran very smoothly. got in line a little bit before 8 am and out by 9 am. line was longer than I thought it would be but it moved along nicely.
When I got into line on 6th Street NW for the Chinese Community Church, a guy came up and asked why we were there. Two senior citizens from the complex on H St informed in that there was an election today — “It’s happening all over the country.” Another guy tried to panhandle us but nobody paid any attention. Hard to panhandle the locals.
I lined up outside the Chinese Community Church just after 9, and was out by 9:20 since I got chosen to go to the head of the line b/c of where my last name is in the alphabet. It was like getting chosen to jump the velvet rope and enter a cool nightclub! LOL
Everyone was in great spirits and there were many poll workers, who seemed well coordinated.
I also thought there would be like NO line since most people I know had voted early at the DCBOEE. I guess there were still some people left like me who hadn’t voted!
I just voted at MLK library. In and out in maybe 15 minutes. Unlike CBD, my particular check-in line was 7 people long while the other 3 were empty. The little counter on the paper ballot reader was up to about 525 ballots (doesn’t include ballots from the lone electronic voting machine).
It was also nice that they moved the voting location to the main lobby of the library, rather than having to take the slow elevator down into the catacombs of the building!
I was in that unlucky group of last names beginning with A through G. I waited 1 1/2 hours!!! They really should have split the alphabet differently. There were tons of H through O people and P through Z people being pulled to the head of the line. It’s frustrating when a guy you saw enter the line 20 minutes ago gets pulled ahead when you’ve been waiting an hour. Looks like we need a larger polling place, or a better system for checking in/splitting last names between tables.
at MLK around 8:30 am it was the L-O line that was crazy long. Sadly Columbo is not my last name, so I was stuck in the long line while all other letters of the alphabet flew by. All in all though it was only about a 45 min wait.
Krispy Kreme is also giving away free star-shaped doughnuts. Chick Fil A is giving away free chicken sandwiches. It started out as a “voters only” promotion, but WaPo just said that since it’s against election laws to limit the freebies to voters only, all the businesses are now giving them to everyone. Get it while it lasts!!
Lucky stiffs. It took me two hours to vote at my Capitol Hill polling station. So much for beating the crowd by showing up at 7:15 a.m.
I was with Chris 555 waiting in the line, cursing my name starting with a “C” as I also waited 90 minutes. It was super frustrating to see so many people jumping the line.
What I thought was funniest was that they did not ask me for any form of identification whatsoever….as they say, vote early and vote often…..
I voted on Capitol Hill. Took about an hour. Names A-D got to jump ahead the whole time while all of the R-Zs languished in line. We didn’t mind. Seemed like the most equitable way to move people through and it actually helped the line move. They also let the elderly and people with kids jump to the front. My wife and I tried to rent a kid off a voter who was done, but to no avail. Really the smoothest experience at the ballot box I’ve ever had. I hope the rest of the country goes as swimmingly!
I walked into the Chinese Community Church at 5th and I around 2:30, voted and walked out at 2:35. There was not a single person in line in front of me. What a great voting experience!!!!
A wonderful job at the Chinese Community Church this morning. I got to meet cheery neighbors from other buildings and talk about our neighborhood. It was an uplifting community experience that can’t be had by absentee voting, which is how I’ve done most of my voting. The poll workers and volunteers were kind and helpful and ran things as efficiently as possible. Gold star for the effort!
I voted at the Chinese Community Church at 3:30pm..no line, happy people, great voting experience. Such a different story in NoVa..made me glad to live downtown, yet again.
I voted at MLK Library at about 1:15 – absolutely no line. But it looked like there was a line at first, turned out to be a bunch of foreign reporters. As soon as I turned in my ballot, I was barraged with microphones and people asking me who I voted for for president, based on what issues – was it the economy?, was I previously undecided, etc., etc.,
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I live just north of PQ (near 7th and L), got in line at 6:45, didn’t leave till 8:30. My polling place is at 9th and O.